Modules: Article Management System (AMS) development now continued by novasmart !

Posted by: NovaSmartOn 2007/6/1 12:04:08 7892 reads
Good news for all AMS module user. AMS module development now officially will be taken over by NovaSmart. The development of AMS (by stuck since 2005 (version 2.41) and the owner have no interest anymore to continue the development.

As AMS user i feel really sad to hear my favorite article module dieing, so I volunteer to take over AMS development and get the green light from the it-hq. However, it-hq only hand over the AMS development to me, but not domain. So, all development update, forum and bugs report will be done in other domain (will be announce later).

Instead of going to new feature, I'll come out with bug fixed release (version 2.42). All known bugs that reported at it-hq website ( will be evaluate and solve in that release. There is no timeline yet, since I'll busy to setup website for AMS development for next few days, the release will be "very soon".

I hope all AMS user will support my effort.

Thanks and regards,
Mohd Hilmi bin Ngah
NovaSmart Technology