YAXS: Acida Software Chooses for Xoops

Posted by: VTRIXOn 2007/5/30 13:56:41 5647 reads
A long time ago, another person posted a message about the Acida Software website, the old webmaster.
Since a month or something, I took over the Acida Software website, and I changed almost everything on the site so it could be used properly.
I setted up a new Xoops installation, and i'm using the theme vblue, the modules Mastop Publish, Liaise, MyDownloads and the News module.
The site is dutch and can be found on http://www.acida-software.com

We currently create only FREE software with NO spyware OR adware OR other unwanted additions.
You can download our currently most active project, DayDawn, on this page Click here for the download instructions

PS: sorry for that old message of the other webmaster of Acida Software