Modules: Mastop Go2 - Take it easy using it!

Posted by: topet05On 2007/5/2 5:00:00 7951 reads
The Open Source department from Mastop release for download a new module to manage spotlights: Mastop Go2. Even being simple, Mastop Go2 module came to meet the basic needs for any Xoops site: Let the site more beautiful and speed up the publication of any information, may it be written or graphical. Main Features of the Module: - Sections Registration During the installation there will be inserted a "General" section. It's possible to add as many sections as necessary to manage the spotlight exhibition. - Spotlight Registration You can add an image, section, exibition text and URL for each spotlight. Further you can define if the spotlight URL should be opend in a new window or not. The spotlight management area has group actions, enable/disable spotlights and an exclusive class called MastopFormSelectImage that acts together with Xoops image libray making it easier to choose and send images. - Spotlight Exhibition Block In the Mastop Go2 block, the spotlights are shown in slide forms, making the visual of the site better. The block is totally configurable and allows to select the height, text bar color, text color, text bar transparency, transition text between the spotlights and which section will be shown (you can show all sections in the block as well). To increase dynamism e allow different spotlights in different areas of the site, we added the option to clone the block so that any module can have its own spotlight section. - Possibility to insert spotlights wherever you want If you like Mastop Go2 and its flexibility you still can add spotlights in any part of the site: Inside Mastop Publish, news, articles or even in the header of your theme. At the index page at Mastop Go2 is a code generator that allows your spotlights to be in any addresses with no need to use the module or even xoops. The code generator is very useful to help promote your site. Why "Mastop Go2 - Take it easy using it? The visual impression from Mastop Go2 is similatr to the flash technology used and the will to use it all over the site will be huge. The excess in using Mastop Go2 can cause addiction . You also need to watch out with the numbers of spotlights you wish to show in each block because a too big number or the images size can cause the bloco to take long to load. We suggest an average use of 5 active sections per section. For further information, screenshots and downloads access Mastop Go2 website. Enjoy!