Modules: WF-Channel V2.00RC Released (Bug and Security Fixed)

Posted by: CatzwolfOn 2007/4/10 0:02:59 6965 reads
WF-Channel v2.00RC

I have released this version as a RC due to the fact that this module has been totally re-written from scratch (apart from one file).

WARNING: I have changed everything regarding this module, including database tables and their fields. Before you install and use this module please make a BACKUP of the old WF-Channel TABLES and FILES.

Download from here

I have changed so much that I don't really have time to list everything. I have posted a list of important changes at the site and in the changelog.txt file.

Please can you supply feedback and bugs so we can get a bug free (as much as possible) version out.

One important change that I will mention: I have removed the ability to have pages within the Xoops mainmenu. This is due to the fact that the method used was more a hack and a resource hog. Until I find a better method to do this or Xoops adds an easier way to do this without sending Mysql queries through the roof.

Thanks in advance.
