YAXS: Undistructable Xoops

Posted by: NorthernOn 2007/3/25 23:00:00 6452 reads
Yep, you heard right.

Undistructable - as in you can mess it up,thrash it, move things about.
And in 120 mins (2 hours) it would been like you were never there.

Sound to good to be true?

Try it out !!!!

The purpose behind this testing site was for fellow Xoopsters and other users to not have fear in playing around with a xoops site and destroying it.

This site has over 400 themes and just starting to add modules. (lack of modules based on needs of users ) (and no-one steped up to the plate to suggest modules to be placed into site. ) this site was announced on xoops.org with a nice couple page dicusion. but was never fully released to the public.

If you have any modules you would like to test. this would be an ideal place to do so.
the refresh time can be changed to days or weeks if needed.

xoopscube and XOOPS Cube legacy also avalible in demo sites.

Personal demo/testing sites can be arranged, contact me for details.