YAXS: Xoops Portfolio Project News : building materials for next steps !

Posted by: MarcoOn 2006/12/31 15:20:00 7038 reads
Here a small resume about the Portfolio Project, and next events.

The portfolio project is, like StudioC's XOOPS Site Of the Month Contest, a community effort to identify Best Designed Xoops Websites.

Project Goals
- To identify websites that will show xoops at its best
- To provide xoops professionals some materials for those wanting to show their new clients live examples of professionally designed Xoops websites
- To prepare some materials for the forthcoming xoops.org website (for marketing purpose), on which we are working.

From now, because we are still at the beginning of that project, looking for more smart websites, we have installed a working area on mdxprod.com. Over there, you will find a first list of well designed xoops websites.

Those websites have been selected with a subjective method, just to help you feeling what you can do with the xoops CMS.
It's not supposed to be a global directory of all xoopsed websites. We want to show how easy is to make professional designs within Xoops API.

What's new
At the current time, we have 93 Xoops nice designed websites
We still have some to add, but need your help to find others

Those nice websites have been categorized :
- Corporate
- Administration world, Education
- Events
- Communities, Blogs, Information Portals
- Societies,Clubs,Associations, Culture, Arts
- Xoops Professionals

What's next ?

1. From now, examples are not sufficiently "worldwide".
Many examples are from the same areas and we would like to have a more international portfolio including more sites from countries worldwide. So we ask every local Xoops community to help us find more sites that qualify for a professional showcase.
We are sure that plenty of them are missing. Local Communities, Help us to discover them !!

So if you know some well designed websites with a "Corporate / Professional" theme that might help us promoting Xoops, don't hesitate to propose them; either here in comments or, better, on mdxprod.com!

2. Stay tuned for the next xoops.org website's events.Some great news will come out very soon (!)