News: Xoops FAQ section and unpublished questions
Posted by: carnukeOn 2006/12/24 19:09:12 5455 readsThis is a polite notice to all xoopsers who have had their FAQs unpublished or deleted in the moderation que.
Many of you are asking questions that have already been asked and answered in the FAQ section. In order to keep the FAQs precise and easy to navigate we must prune similar entries and deny similar questions that repeat content.
Please don't be offended if your question is deleted or left unanswered. It's probably better for you to use the forums for Q&As that relate to specific technical questions.
We use the FAQ section for Q&As that are considered useful for the general user and not every question is relevant.
Also, please DO NOT submit questions with answers like 'please help me' these will be automatically deleted.
Thank-you all for your contributions, especially those that add meaningful, well thought out answers. This is an invaluable resource, thanks to your input.