Modules: Do you like fun things ?

Posted by: hervetOn 2006/12/16 17:06:17 8635 reads
While I was studying the Dojo javascript toolkit, I saw this effect that Mac users used to see.
On Dojo, this effect is called Fisheye :

A menu that balloons out, similar to the launcher on OS X

Applyed to the Xoops News module, here is the result (click on the picture for a larger version) :
Resized Image

I like this effect a lot so I decided to apply it in the administration of the News module.
So I decided to create a test version of the News module with this kind of effect.
For this moment it is not at all the definitive version (and it's not really optimized) of
the News module, that's just an exercise.

If you really don't like this kind of menu, you have the choice, you re upload the normal
version of the News module or you edit the file called config.php (at the module's root)
and you change this line, from :
$cfg['use_fun_menu'] = true;

to :
$cfg['use_fun_menu'] = false;

If you want to see the result of this exercice, just download the module, unzip its content,
copy it to your site and update the module.

It has been tested with Opera, Mozilla Thunderbird and Internet Explorer 7

We are waiting for your feedback and if we see that you like it, we will add such features
in our new versions of our modules.

Instant Zero