Modules: Mydownloads version 1.3 for Xoops.

Posted by: hervetOn 2006/8/24 16:10:00 7362 reads
In the series of the 2.0 Xoops versions, there was a module used to manage files on your website.

This module is really useful, for example I'm using it on my own site.
However, this Xoops never really progressed since a long time.
This version gives you some improvements.
Nevertheless, attention, this is not an official version but a personal version.

Here is the complete changelog :

- I have modified all the meta informations to be compatible with Xoops 2.0.14
- Templates were modified to be more xhtml compliant
- I have replaced all the $HTTP_POST_VARS and $HTTP_GET_VARS calls
- All the pages have a significative title
- The module uses the same metagen like the one you can find in the recent News module versions
- With the module's preferences, it's now possible to choose, on the index page, file's order for the last files
- You can use html code in the files descriptions
- On the page used to list categories, you can add a summary (with a module option) of the available files
(see for an example). The summary is created from files title.
- The user interface to submit a file (from the module's admin's part) was a little bit modified so that you can
directly submit files from the form. Files are uploaded in your Xoops "uploads" folder and their name is modified to be unique.
And still from the module's preferences, you have the possiiblity to select the MIME types wich can be used to upload files
Actually you can upload gif, jpeg & png pictures, zip & tar files, pdf files, word and excel files and any document from Open Office.
You can also select the maximum file's size authorized for upload.
- You can use kiovi to create files descriptions

You can download the module here.

The update is made by simply copying the files to your web site and updating the module in the Xoops modules manager.

Installation of a new module is done like any other module.

Happy Xoops,