Modules: Shop module started (not working yet !!!)

Posted by: jimmyOn 2002/7/1 4:47:38 5866 reads
Do not get excited !!!

This module is not finished!

In an old thread I promised I would finish the shop module, but I have not been in contact with PHP for about a month (I have been in another country:)

This is why I make my work public now: shop module

If there is somebody who wants to continue (and I know there are a lot out there), please do. I will continue to work on this module, as soon as I have some free time.

Please read the readme file inside the zip.
It is not much, but it's a start...

It would be nice if we would make a sourcefourge project. Or maybe the core devs have the opportunity to continue my work
I am still mad at them for not modifing the user classes and tables. In this shop module, a registered user has to insert much more information than one does now.