Modules: tinyeditor 1.0 ALPHA released

Posted by: frankblackOn 2006/4/24 14:40:00 9219 reads
We are proud to announce the release of tinyeditor 1.0 ALPHA.

tinyeditor is Javascript-WYSIWYG-editor based on the famous tinyMCE-engine (v

Main features:

- permission-based (even for webmaster-group)
- own toolsets for every group
- tons of functions and plugins like: Advanced horizontal rule, advanced image managers (iBrowser, iManager, XOOPS image manager, xrmanager <- in development), advanced links with plugins for retrieving data from your database, charcounter, contextmenu, emotions (XOOPS database), flash, fullscreen, iespell, insertcode (geshi syntax highlighter), unicode keyboard (NEW), pagebreak (NEW), Word- and text-paste, preview, search and replace, table editor and zoom.
- even the setup of the toolbars is WYSIWYG!!

There are some more plugins, but then this list will get too long.

Inside the preferences there are lot more options.

ralf57's development version of xrmanager is implemented, but not stable and some functions are missing (so you can't use the mimetypes-management). But still this unfinished version will show the power of this plugin.

There are still some minor (hope so) flaws inside this module, which cannot be solved YET, like the relative URLs which work for "most" areas and the gzip-compression (IE-users cannot use this feature).

This module is BIG (5.68 MB, unzipped 13 MB). Maybe too big for most of you? What do you think of offering the plugins as separate downloads?

I wrote a small documentation on this module as a PDF-file. You can get it HERE.



Feature requests

What happens next?

- completed xrmanager-plugin
- bbcodes-plugin
- theme- and template-editor capable of understanding smarty (but this will take some time)

We hope that you'll like this version and we are looking forward to your reactions.

Please note that this version is ALPHA and not recommend for production sites.

