Modules: tinyeditor 1.0 BETA released

Posted by: frankblackOn 2006/7/8 12:03:14 22165 reads
We are proud to announce the release of tinyeditor 1.0 BETA.

As always it is NOT recommended to install a BETA on production sites.

The changes since the ALPHA-version are legion. So here a short summary of the most interesting changes:

1) The whole module re-packed: tinyeditor wasn't tiny anymore, so I repacked the whole thing. The main module has the most used plugins included. All the other plugins can be installed separately.

2) xrmanager nearly finished: besides some minor parts, xrmanager is ready for use. xrmanager is a resource-manager for files and images. You can copy, move, edit etc. files and images as you like. This plugin plugs into other plugins like links, images and flash. There you have a browse-button where you can almost do what you want.

3) Plugin and lang-file upload: if your system allows it - most systems should do - you can upload plugins or langfiles as zip. The zip will be extracted and the content put at the right place.

4) Chmod your folders with FTP. If your server understand chmod, you can apply chmods to any directory or file within your XOOPS system. Funny sidenote: I am a developer of web tools without web space, so this function is pure theory. I would be really excited it this works!

5) An extra parameter is added to the tinyeditor-class. With this extra parameter you can turn any dhtml editor area into WYSIWYG with just a few lines. This WYSIWYG tries to imitate the functionality of the dhtml editor. The module developers do not have to re-write their implementation of tinyeditor - it is just a tiny add-on.

What happens next? The RC versions will only contain bug fixes, performance improvements and some tiny additions regarding permissions and disk quota. Perhaps xrmanager will have a new context menu

Some documentation, incomplete inside the module's administration and more complete on, might help you with tinyeditor. I am currently working on the new documentation for tinyeditor 1.x, but all plugins covered this is gonna be a huge task for and will take some time. Sorry for this!

All files can be downloaded here

Documentation can be downloaded here

Bug tracker here

Feature tracker here

Support forum here

A final remark from me: we need your feedback for this module and we need translations for this module or the plugins. So support us!

ralf57 / frankblack