YAXS: Xoops Showcase-- ProcessTeam.org --a little help

Posted by: rabideauOn 2006/4/14 19:28:00 4895 reads
Hello all,

As you may be aware, I have recently deployed a new Xoops site (ProcessTeam-- http://processteam.org) to demonstrate the power of Xoops in a professional engineering environment (software, electrical, mechanical, etc.) The intent of this site, from a Xoops perspective, is to demonstrate, how Xoops CMS & modules can be used in support of high levels of Software Engineering Institute (SEI) CMMI maturity, Six Sigma, ISO, etc. In the next week, I plan to announce the ProcessTeam site to 100’s of consultants and firms operating in the SEI CMMI, Six Sigma, ISO 9001, etc. field. Hopefully this exposure will be positive for all of us who have investments in Xoops.

In order to ensure that this effort is a success, I need help and guidance from the Xoops community, especially in the following areas:

==> If you have, or know of, additional Xoops modules that are appropriate for showcasing on this site, please PM or email me directly. If I am unable to install ‘your’ module on my site, for any reason, I will most certainly link to a demonstration of the module on your site.
==> I am looking for professional IT, Engineering, or Consulting web sites to link as partners to the ProcessTeam site. I also would love to get web links to key Xoops module designers and contributors who have modules appropriate to this effort (I already have a number of links to some of our module developers).
==> Based on popular demand, I have made a Jobs Postings/ Resumes module available. Included in this module are places for you to advertise for Xoops for-fee help or services. Please feel free to post your Jobs or Resume/CV on the site.

Please visit http://processteam.org, sign the Guestbook, and let me know what modules and features I am missing. Hopefully together we can create a positive, broad exposure exposing the power of Xoops to the professional engineering and quality communities!
