Modules: zentrackXoops RC1 Released

Posted by: dkeirOn 2006/2/23 9:40:00 5529 reads
ZentrackXoops Release Candidate RC1 has just been released!

It features a completely new User Interface and has been tested on Xoops 2.0.x and 2.2.x. Although this is currently only a Release Candidate it is still quite stable, however you can never do enogh testing. Upgrade scripts from earlier 2.5.x versions have also been provided.

The module now incorporates User Management screens with tighter integration with the Xoops user table, which provides greater control over module users and access permissions (users are no longer auto-created). Please see the included README file for more details.

Other features include:

-> Added keyboard shortcuts
-> Added filters to list window
-> Updated contacts section
-> Added customizable multiple-select fields

Files can be downloaded from SourceForge: