Modules: CBB 3.0 RC is released

Posted by: phpppOn 2006/2/5 17:00:00 7873 reads
The Team CBB is proud to release the CBB 3.0 RC.

CBB 3.0 is a re-packaged version compatible with XOOPS 2.0*, 2.2* and 2.30.

Considering the new features and DB query optimization, it is highly recommended to upgrade your CBB 1.*.

New features introduced into CBB 3.0:
1 moderator accessible distributed batch threads/posts management (approval, edit, move, delete, merge, split)
2 moderator accessible distributed user/IP suspension management
3 trashcan implemented
4 posts search and management per user
5 plugable module bridging handler implemented

Download: CBB 3.0 RC
CBB 3.0 RCs
CBB 3.0

Details: Readme

Remove the /Frameworks/xoops22/ folder and its files if you use XOOPS 2.2*