YAXS: ElderHope Upgrades to 2.2.3 Final

Posted by: ChappyOn 2005/12/26 11:16:07 5921 reads
ElderHope recently upgraded to 2.2.3 Final, having watched it's stability carfully for about six months. The upgrade went flawlessly.

Since January 2004, ElderHope has been running xoops. We are so pleased with the work that the devs have done in creating this software and making it freely available. It makes it possible to share helpful information globally. Since 1997, in one form or another, ElderHope has had a web presence. The purpose of the site is to offer support to those who are coping with aging, latter-year illness, grief, and loss. We are proud to recommend xoops.

Thanks to all the devs, past and present, who by their contributions to xoops in knowledge or money, have made it possible to give help and comfort to people around the globe. Many people, some of them without any significant support resources, have found care that they might otherwise never have received.

Thank you!