XOOPS: NukeZine almost ready for launch!

Posted by: MasterEOn 2002/5/16 16:48:32 4187 reads
The Online Resource for Everything Nuke! NukeZine is a online magazine combining business goals with PHP-Nuke technology to help you make the strategic decisions that affect your website's bottom line. Every month, NukeZine delivers in-depth, mission-critical editorials that reinforce the strategic side of PHP-Nuke technology and the technical aspects of smart websites design and deployment. NukeZine covers issues such as programming, installing "Nukes" (all variants, or "forks"), theme design, databases, troubleshooting, code hacking, webservers, help forums, ISP's, web hosting, testlabs and much more. Make an investment in a resource that will put you back in front of the traffic on the Information Superhighway.

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