YAXS: MyWebResource on XOOPS 2.2!

Posted by: JMorrisOn 2005/8/7 5:02:54 4265 reads
Thanks to the efforts of a small but dedicated community, MyWebResource is growing every day. In an effort to meet the needs of our growing membership we have upgraded the site to the next generation of XOOPS (version 2.2).

Along with this upgrade has come a new look. Kudos to the designer of the new XOOPS default theme. With only a few minor changes in graphics and CSS, MyWebResource has taken on a whole new look that is clean and easy to navigate.

In addition to upgrading the core site and theme, we have also added even more tools to our growing library of resources. We now offer several handy wizards on our site for generating various navigation elements.

Our mission is to build a free, centralized portal where webmasters can go to gain access to everything they need to produce high-quality, user-friendly sites. If you would like to join our community and contribute your skills, please visit our Registration Page. All are welcome, and the only requirements for membership are an interest in web design and a willingness to share your knowledge with others.

Link: MyWebResource Make it Yours!

Best Regards,
