YAXS: Sotra Sjakklubb - Norwegian Chess Club

Posted by: sotrasjakkOn 2005/6/12 8:21:03 4455 reads
Sotra Sjakklubb's website started using XOOPS last November, and uses the Blue_lagoon theme. Our experience with XOOPS is very positive, it suits all our needs and has proven to be very stable.

The site is in Norwegian only, sorry...

We are using the following modules:
- News
- Newbb
- Sections
- XoopsFAQ
- XoopsPoll
- MyAlbum
- MyDownloads
- MyLinks
- TinyContent
- Chess
- Backup
- Liaisse
- piCal
- xf Guestbook

I would like to hear what you think of it, and would appreciate any suggestions that would improve the site.
