XOOPS: WarPigw2.com Newbb 2 Tutorials

Posted by: jdseymourOn 2005/4/16 9:23:13 6828 reads
The last time I posted here I had just started a tutorial section on my site. The usage of the tutorials have been great. And a big thanks to the Xoops community for that.

Since the last time I have added two new Xoops Tutorials:

The Xoops Installation Tutorial and under a new category The Xoops Administration Tutorials I have added Exploring Xoops General Settings.

But, I think the big news is another new category I have started: Newbb 2 Tutorialswhich contains four new flash tutorials on the installation and configuration of Newbb 2.

I chose Newbb 2 because I see a lot of questions on the Xoops forums on this topic, and it is not a simple upgrade for a new user. Also the configuration can be pretty tedious for someone who is starting out with newbb 2. I will be adding other modules in the future.

The tutorials cover preparing for a newbb upgrade or installation. Upgrading from Newbb 1 to Newbb 2. Category creation and forum creation, including settings and permissions for both.

All these tutorials are available for viewing on my site in the WarPigw2 Tutorials section

Also they are available for download at WarPigw2 Downloads and in the Community Documents Section of the Xoops Documentation Site.

And lastly, I have just updated my theme. The right and left blocks can be hidden to maximize screen real estate for tutorial viewing.

I hope these tutorials are helpful to you. If you have any questions or comments please post in the Xoops Tutorials Forum it is open to anonymous users with moderation. I will approve it quickly though. Otherwise join the site and post freely.

Thanks again. Enjoy the information, give feedback, and have fun.