YAXS: Cyber-Minds.Net - Internet Psychology Studies

Posted by: CalipsyOn 2005/4/5 7:08:24 4247 reads
I am glad to announce my Xoops website!
Cyber-Minds.Net is dedicated to Internet psychology Studies and the development of my dissertation.
The theme is a combination of the obscene theme and Lucastd2 theme. I just could not make the front blocks looks nice because I have a hard time with the css thing.
I am using the modules Wordpress, Wordbook, Multi-survey Form, Weblinks, XHLD, Webslave and others.

Please, give a look on my site and send me suggestions, also, you should take the personality survey to help me test the multiform survey. If you wish to help me with the front blocks, I would be grateful.

Last word: THANKS XOOPS COMMUNITY for such wonderful CMS.
Cheers to xoops