Modules: Xoops Teamspeak Updated to 2.4.1

Posted by: taluncefordOn 2005/3/24 20:09:45 8290 reads
Hello fellow Xoopsers!

Version 2.4.1 Adds the requested server ban feature. This feature allows you to specify certain IP address' in an array that will be banned or not allowed to post to your TS server.

To specify the banned servers, just edit the webpost.php file within the xoops_teamspeak folder, and change the ip address' to what ever you would like them to be.

Thanks goes out to goatboy for requesting this feature. I am also working on making the module so that you can either ban or just allow certain address from posting to the teamspeak module. For now, the module only bans certain ip address'.

You can get the module from here.