YAXS: New website release Deactivated Weapons

Posted by: sas22On 2005/3/22 9:15:35 9741 reads
Deactivated weaponsI'm proud to announce the release of http://www.deactivated-weapons.co.uk.

Deactivated Weapons is a forum based website for collectors of deactivated guns and anyone thats is interested in deactivated weapons and want to talk about them..
The website as most links to the online deactivated weapons dealers and as it own online dealers page
It also as forums for people that want to trade there guns with each other and a photo gallery to people can show there collections off plus much much more..

I would like to thank all the people that made Xoops happen..
Many thanks to Solo @ Wolfpackclan [WPC]for showing me the light of Xoops and got me started i am xoops mad now and this is my 3rd Xoops website..