YAXS: Kansai community web site using Xoops

Posted by: noisiaOn 2005/3/6 12:31:10 4360 reads
We have changed the web site of the Kansai Time Out from static HTML to xoops.


The site is using the following modules:
stories 0.9 for front page small news

wf-channel 1.07 for about this site

booklist 0.9 for information about places to go

tinyd 2.07 for information about the company

smart faq 1.04 for questions about life and culture in Kansai

links 1.1 for web links

smartsection 0.93 for uploading stories about Japan by the community

piCal 0.6 for events in Kansai

CatAds 1.23 for classifieds

xhld 2.5 for RSS headlines of news about Japan

MS-Weather 1.4 for the Weather in Kansai

MyPage 1.1 for inserting some old pages into a iframe

Xoops Protector 2.2 you never know who wants to screw you...

koivi_editor class v1.0.4.1 for WYSIWYG editing in smartsection (later in other modules as well)

PhPAdsNew 13.08 for Banner ad management (This is really a module with a steep learning curve though)

I would like to thank all the xoopers for the great help and the great modules that have been developed.

Please give me any comments about the site and recommendations or suggestions about the usage of the modules.