XOOPS: Xoops Operation Guide Release.

Posted by: carnukeOn 2004/10/19 14:20:00 9096 reads
The XOOPS Documentation Team is pleased to announce the publication of the "The Operation Guide"

This is a lengthy and comprehensive guide to 'what is this' and 'how do I do this...' concerning the administration of a XOOPS2 website.

It details all the menus, functions and requirements of the admin pages, describing simple operations like uploading avatars to more complex setups of the group permissions and positioning blocks.

The file is available as an online guide and also as downloadable files in .chm, .zip and .pdf formats.

Although this file is credited to Horacio Salazar I would also like to credit all the members of the Documentation team for their research and contributions to this document and especially to Robekras for excellent xDocMan module that displays these files. This module is responsible for the conversion of xml files into various formats suitable for online viewing and file retrieval. This provides a well formatted and multiple outputs to suit all users.

Please visit the Official Documents link or download directly the files here:

Online version
.CHM file
.ZIP file
.PDF file
