Modules: News module definitive version 1.2.1

Posted by: hervetOn 2004/9/15 18:54:46 5789 reads

The definitive and official version of the news module is out. This version, 1.2.1, can be used on a production's site.

It's an intermediary "bug fix" release which addresses several issues reported since the version 1.2. We recommand to all the users of the 1.2 version to update to this release.

The zip archive is is available here and the translations can be found on this page

Please note that you can now refer to a FAQ (for this moment only in english)

Here is the changelog :

> Some important security holes have been corrected. That's
why this version exists. Thanks goes to Onokazu
> The possibility to upload excel and word files have been
> Some problems related to the files uploaded with topics
and news have been corrected
> The upgrade script has been changed and the file :
has been removed.
> The link to delete a story in the "Moderation block" has
been corrected
> A bug in the blocks "Top news" and "Recent news" has been
corrected (problem with the counter and the date)
> It was not possible to uncheck the article's option
"Approve" and the option "Publish in Home" had no effect
> The class used to manage uploaded files has been
> Some corrections has been made to the form used to submit
a story
> Anonymous users had a blank page when they was submiting
an article
> There was a small error in the "BigStory" template (a
was missing)
> It was possible to edit an article you don't have the
right to edit.
> Some minors modifications following this post about xhtml
compliance :

And here is the upgrade instructions :

1) Upload all files in this package, overwriting the
existing files.
2) Update the module in system admin -> modules
3) Launch the following script at least one time :

To be able to launch it, YOU MUST BE AN ADMIN OF THE NEWS
Once this script has been launched, you can remove it but
it's not "vital"
4) If you are using a personalized template set (if you have
cloned it for example) :
Go in admin -> templates. Find the templates set you are
using, beside the name "News" click on the link named
"[List (11)]". Find the template called
"news_index.html" then press the link named "[Delete]".
In the next screen, when you see this question "Are you
sure that you want to delete this template data?"
validate by pressing "Yes". The previous screen will
reappears and you will see a yellow line, click on the
link named "[Generate]"

5) If you are using the default template set. First create
some test news then go on the part of your website where
your users can see the news (for example If you can see the
test news, come back to the admin part of your site. Go
in the news module's preferences and for the option named
"News Display Layout" select "By topic". Come back
to the visible part of your website
If you can see your news, ignore the rest of this point,
else, if you can't see the news then, in
admin -> templates, beside the default template
set, click on the link named "Clone", give it a name then
go in admin -> preferences, select "General Settings" and
in the scrolling list called "Default template set",
select the template you have previously cloned.

If you are doing a fresh install, you don't have to do anything from the previous list.

Reports bugs here :
