Hacks: XOOPS Multilanguages : Smarty variables ready to be used!

Posted by: marcanOn 2004/9/1 22:22:03 5078 reads
You are using XOOPS Multilanguages and would like to display at a specifc place the language choice ? The Select your language block does not suit your need ? No problem! XOOPS Multilanguages already have the solution you are looking for!

XOOPS Multilanguages 1.4.x provides you with some smarty variables ready to be used in your theme in a minute!


Please note that you need some basic knowledge of PHP to do the following exercise. Also, you should backup any file prior to modifications.

Before you start, you need to have successfully installed XOOPS Multilanguages v1.4.1 and carefully followed the instructions of the ReadMe.txt file.

1- Language image

XOOPS Multilanguages automatically creates, for each language, a smarty variable containing the image and the hyperlink to change to this language when clicking on the image.

For example, if your site has those languages installed : french and english, you can use these variables anywhere in your theme : <{$lang_image_french}> and <{$lang_image_english}>.

2- Hyperlink to change to a specific language

If you don't want the image, you can use the smarty variable containing only the hyperlink to change to a specific language.

XOOPS Multilanguages automatically creates, for each language, a smarty variable containing the hyperlink to change to this language.

For example, if your site has those languages installed : french and english, you can use these variables anywere in your theme : Français and English.

That's it! Hope it helps!

Should you have any questions, please, feel free to post them on NotreVie.ca

.:: marcan (aka mal aka Marc-André) ::.
.:: NotreVie.ca ::.