Hacks: XOOPS Multilanguages 1.4.1 is out !

Posted by: marcanOn 2004/8/20 23:22:50 4330 reads
As for each version of XOOPS since 2.0.6, the release of XOOPS is immediatly followed by the release of a new version of XOOPS Multilanguages !

I hereby give you XOOPS Multilanguages 1.4.1 ! You can download it via this link :

Zip Version [478 Ko]

As I have been really busy lately with SmartFAQ, I did not have time to improve this package. So, what's in version 1.4.1 ? Some minor bug fixes and, of course, the modified files for the hack to run with the XOOPS

A new package

However, I did do a little something for you my friends ! Inside the package, there is now a third folder called XOOPS_2.0.7.1_ ML_1.4.1. This folder contains the modified files from XOOPS 2.0.7 to XOOPS, as well as the new version of XOOPS Multilanguages.

What does it mean ?

Typically, users of XOOPS Multilanguages had to do these steps in order to upgrade their site to a new version of XOOPS :

- Apply the upgrade patch xoops-2.0.x_to_2.0.y.zip to their site;
- Apply the new version of XOOPS Multilanguages.

Well, I now have combined these 2 steps in a single one. If you are running XOOPS 2.0.7 with XOOPS Multilanguages 1.4, you can upgrade to XOOPS and XOOPS Multilanguages 1.4.1 by doing this :

- Simply copy the content of the folder XOOPS_2.0.7.1_ ML_1.4.1 to the root of your XOOPS site, and update the System module (as required by the upgrade to XOOPS

Please don't forget this !

Now, don't forget that the upgrade package in XOOPS_2.0.7.1_ ML_1.4.1 is not a XOOPS Official Package. As mentionned in the ReadMe.txt file, it remains a heavily modified version of XOOPS

Also, as I always say it : PLEASE CAREFULLY read the ReadMe.txt file as it has a lot of information you should be aware of.

Finally, you can find some interesting tutorials and informations about XOOPS Multilanguages on my site NotreVie.ca.

.:: marcan (aka mal aka Marc-André) ::.
.:: NotreVie.ca ::.
.:: Xoops-Doc ::.