News: Xoops Documentation Site is finally OPEN !

Posted by: carnukeOn 2004/8/14 2:28:02 6079 reads
Fellow Xoopsers, I am very pleased to announce that the Documentation Site is finally OPEN ! The pile of dusty books have now been replaced with a relaxing but informative front page. We hope you enjoy your view ...

What will you find here? A place for everything related to Xoops Documentation and opportunities for everyone who wants to contribute or receive something about Xoops related Documentation.

Here's a brief list of resources:

Official Documents. ------------ So far only a few, but this will increase soon.
Community Documents. ------ Documents that have been published independently.
Community Websites. --------- Xoops websites that focus on user documentation
SmartFAQ .------------------------ Not released yet, but we will either link to it or host it.
Xoops Wiki. ----------------------- (link)The faithful and very useful main user resource.
Training Resources. ------------ Non-Xoops sites that provide web-related training.
Local Support.-------------------- (link) to XoopsPartners for non English users.
Join out team?.------------------- (pending) Input for joining the Documentation team
Submit a project? --------------- (pending) Input for creating a Xoops document.

Many of these resources are open for individuals to participate in. You can add tutorials-(downloads) Example websites-(links) and third party training facilities-(links) that could assist users in gaining the background skills to enhance their experience with Xoops. Over time we can make this a valuable pool of learning and reference for the community.

Some areas are still very sparse and there is lots more to be done. No doubt your comments will direct us in how we proceed from here. The main thing is the site is now open and there is useful material available that's all in one place. Also plenty of opportunity for users to add their own input and ideas. We will gradually populate these resources and hopefully have plenty of input from you as well.

Thanks for your patience over the months. We hope this site will provide a useful resource for the community.

Xoops Documentation Site
