News: XOOPS Update RC2.0.2

Posted by: onokazuOn 2002/3/1 11:24:15 4855 reads
XOOPS version 1 RC2.0.2 is out.
If you are using RC2.0.1, please grab the updated files from here.

It includes fixes to the bugs found and reported at the bug reports section. The details are as below:

Version 1.0 RC2.0.2
- Fixed checkEmail() not accepting domains more than 3 chars
- Fixed mydownloads/mylinks error displayed when approve without a category
- Fixed some quotes module admin section bugs
- Fixed blocks/groups admin section html typos
- Fixed subject icons in forums not displayed
- Fixed textsanitizer problem in forum posts preview
- Fixed in News module "Don't publish on the home page" option not working
- Removed the line trying to include non-existing file in newbb/viewtopic.php
- Fixed a little language problem in mylinks/mydownloads topten.php
- Changed some fopen() to use file_exists() in include/functions.php