XOOPS: CMS Find Launches - An Invitation

Posted by: cmsfindOn 2004/6/23 11:03:42 4914 reads
I am the webmaster at the new CMSFind website. We are at http://www.cmsfind.com

I have included your CMS listing for Xoops in CMSFind. I invite you and your users to add your websites to the Xoops category. I know this is new, so you have an opportunity to stand out and get noticed.

Google, MSN and others have started to spider the site. We have experience in starting sites like CMSFind, and started NukeFind last January. That site shot to the top of the rankings and helps webmasters around the world.

Let's show our visitors the quality sites built with your CMS engine by listing them in our new database. We also encourage webmasters to voice-enable their websites with a free SIP phone from our other site at http://www.livephone.us