Modules: Xoops2 Donations module complete!

Posted by: intel352On 2004/5/23 2:11:33 8586 reads
Hi everyone, bd_csmc here. Wanted to let you know that I've completed the port of NukeTreasury from PHP-Nuke to Xoops2. In the process, it has received a few bugfixes and enhancements to the actual code. This module is separate from the original NukeTreasury's future development, thus the name change.

Currently this module supports Paypal-based donations to the email of your choice. It is accompanied by a block which shows who has donated this month, the current goal for this month, and how much is left to go.

Future features will include Groups support, Paypal Subscriptions support, and eventually support for other popular payment methods.

You can get the file here: << you must be registered to access the download.

Let me know what you think! I tested it extensively, so if any bugs are left, I'll be surprised.

Any donations to support future development of this module would be greatly appreciated.