Modules: News v1.2 RC1 Released

Posted by: MithrandirOn 2004/5/22 5:00:49 4877 reads
For the past months, Hervet and I have been hard at work at giving the News module a facelift and today we are proud to announce the release of News 1.2 Release Candidate

Read the upgrade textfile included for instructions on how to upgrade.

> Added ALT+S as submit option (include/, admin/
> Fixed warning about invalid index "anonpost" in submit form (include/
> Changed $HTTP_GET_VARS to $_GET and $HTTP_POST_VARS to $_POST

> Added per-usergroup permissions for viewing, submitting and approving newsstories per topic
> Full articles only viewable to users with view permissions to that topic
> Added moderation block for approving/editing submitted articles outside the administration area
> Added toggle to show only news from view-permitted topics on main page view

> Added By Topic view on main page
> Added Column view on main page - for old (Classic) view and for By Topic view

> Added block for viewing top-level topics listed - toggle for only view-permitted topics in block preferences
> Added block with recent/top news for one or more topics

> Changed submit form to depend on approve/submit permissions with both info and extended text areas available to approvers only
> Changed submit form from administration area to use same form as from main menu
> Added upload to submit form
> Added upload to topic creation form