Hacks: Catzwolf's modified evennews module bug-fix

Posted by: tlOn 2004/5/8 10:59:05 4932 reads
Catzwolf updated evennews with many new features.
- being able to specified sending email address instead of admin email
- move hard-coded subscription text/disclaimer into ModuleConfig database

There are several small bugs in it. I failed to get Catzwolf's attention, so I took upon myself and made a few of changes.

1) enabled MySQL database saving of HTML newsletters with apostrophes
2) specified sending system email address worked, in both creating and sending newsletters
3) fixed message archive viewing in admin (small typo corrected)
4) enabled dropping evennews_members table when uninstalling (small typo in xoops_version)

Only two files changed (admin/index.php and xoops_versions.php): you can download from here Just replace the two files in Catzwolf's package.

Catzwolf's version can be found here

Still not working:
can't send to specified subscriber group of text or html. Newsletter will go to all subscribers, regardless of the group selected by subscriber when signing up. For now, I have taken out the choice in the sub template and I am sending newsletter strictly in HTML.
Newsletter count of failed and sent does not work.

Catz: I hope you (or someone) would continue to develop this module. This is a great module and it would be great if it could further developed.

The fixes are what I did to make it work for me and hopefully it will be useful to someone.

