Modules: Fishes

Posted by: eikkeOn 2004/3/30 14:02:03 4547 reads
After I promised to make some of the game modules I use on my site publicly aviable when I introduced it in here, and some people reminded me to do so, finally I got some time to prepare everything, and create a tarball

Aviable here, you can find the first of them, XoopsFishes.

If you want to allow anonymous players to be in the high scores list, please create a new user ('Anonymous Player' or something alike), get its UID, and place it in update.php (see the comments, its in the first 'if' block).

Please click the link I wrote in the newspost , it's just one simple click for you, but it enables me to keep my site, this download and future projects online...

Any problems -> tell me

Regards, Ikke