Modules: File uploader available

Posted by: carnukeOn 2004/3/27 14:06:43 8770 reads
Many people have asked about a file uploader recently so I have decided to place this news item. There is a simple file uploader module available that allows a single directory on your server to receive file upload and download traffic. The user interface offers a "file browse" window to select any file on your local machine. There is also a description form box to accompany each file uploaded. Files are displayed in date order in a table shown on the same page. The title of each uploaded file is a clickable link allowing it to be viewed online as a preview.

Next to this is download button opening a "save as" dialogue box on your local machine. The downloads are counted and displayed against this button. The file description is shown next with size and upload date. If you are administrator to the site you have a login button where you may annotate and delete files shown in this table without going into admin. This module offeres a single category only and a basic link in modules admin to delete all files, or visit the module index page (like user side). You can of couse set module permissions to make it visible ina ny group on your site. That's it. I have installed and tested it on XOOPS 2.0.5 and I have used it on 2.0.6 without any problems.
SETUP: The module needs to be carefully configured by the user before it is installed. The file 'includes/conf.php' has a number of settings that need to be inputed manually before uploading the distribution. The directory used to recieve file uploads also requires full permissions. (chmod777unix) The Configuration also allows the administrator to reject any file type they wish and also to set file size limits. There is also an .htaccess file in the module directory currently set to refuse any crawlers/bots.
CREDITS: This is NOT my module, nor will I support it, I'm simply offereing some information to those who may find it useful in the wake of recent requests The module can be downloaded (without sign-up) HERE

Enjoy! hope this is helpful ...
