Hacks: XOOPS Multilanguage 1.2

Posted by: marcanOn 2004/3/24 8:01:52 7403 reads
Dear fellows Xoopsers !

As some of you were requesting it, I repackaged the XOOPS Multilanguage hack to correct a few bugs and, again, get more things multilingual !

You can download version 1.2 here : Zip Version [177 KB]

Again, please, read careffully the ReadMe.txt file as it is VERY IMPORTANT !

Here is a list of changes since version 1.1 :

- In the Search function, the module names are now multilingual;
- The notification page is now completely multilingual;
- When a notification is sent to users, the name of the module from which the notification comes from is now multilingual;
- The title of the comments in the block Recent comments is now multilingual;
- The disclaimer messgage in the Registration form is now multilingual;
- Other few bugs that I can't remember.