XOOPS: European XOOPS Conference 2004? (help needed!)

Posted by: HerkoOn 2004/2/19 14:48:55 4385 reads
Hello XOOPSers! The XOOPS COre Team has cought the idea to organise a European XOOPS Conference in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in the beginning of May. Around that time the Spring PHP Conference will be held there as well, so people who want to, can combine the two events in one trip. The purpose of the event is to learn and teach, to display and check out, to preach and believe, and to meet and greet and have fun, of course! We have a draft program proposal, but we need your help!

The ideas so far are to hold the European XOOPS Conference on May 3, on the day of the PHP Conference's Power Workshops. It's a monday, for those who are interested.

We're thinking about making it a full day event, with an educational, functional and productive part, and a social evening part.

Proposed schedule:
10:00 - 12:00 Presentations (Core Team, case study, local support group)
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 17:00 Workshops (Introduction into XOOPS, development, theme design, documentation, case studies, modules, etc.)
18:30 - ??:?? Group dinner and party

This is the wish list, of course. To make this work, we need your help!

We are looking for:
- Ideas for workshops (willing to give them!)
- Sponsors for the location, lunch, equipment, and maybe also dinner and party
- organisational skills
- Anything that can help us!

So, if you're interested in making this first European XOOPS Conference reality, drop me a line on herko@xoops.org or a comment on this post, and we'll get to work!
