YAXS: The Grimoire is Back.. With some changes..

Posted by: GrimoireOn 2004/2/6 14:12:28 3911 reads
I would like to announce The Grimoire, my Paranormal, Occult, Paganism News and Information wite is back online!

We had some DSL issues when we switched ISPs that lead to us being offline for a month. I appologize for any confusion that has caused.

We are still running Xoops2 but our site address and name has changed.

We are now known as The Shadowlands, and our new address is:


Other then that the site focus remains the same, we are still updated daily with news and articles.

Note, the database has been re-set. Thus please re-register if you were a former member. On a side note we are looking for submissions of news, links, articles and other related information.

Thank you for your interest and I hope to see all of you once again.

Admin of The Shadowlands