Modules: Articles version 0.04 released

Posted by: AndyMOn 2003/12/31 17:54:38 4673 reads
Version 0.04 of Articles has been released and is now also available in a Zip archive as well as the tar.gz version. The most significant change in this version is the addition of the Xoops comments system.

Please see its download site to download current and older versions.

Articles v0.04:

o Changed font on admin icon to the same as used on Xoops' icons (bit3).
o Added "Pencil" to the logo.
o Changed module description to reflect current name.
+ Implemented comments.
+ Added category names in article listing - due to space limitations, the category ID is shown, but a "tooltip" system is used to show the category name. I have used "AltText" by Brian Gosselin of
+ Hard-coded article background colour to prevent article text being "washed out" by theme background colours. The background colour will eventually be a preferences option, but for now it can be changed in the "article_item.html" template.