News: The Judge

Posted by: incamaOn 2003/12/16 18:26:56 4344 reads
We from Incama have been around for some time now, first in PhpNuke, now in Xoops. But in every cms community we find the same thing! Highly trained technical people.
What about the normal user? How does he (or she) think about this all, he (or she) doesn't care about technical stuff, he (or she) is just looking for information!
We (Incama) introduce to you the Judge Minerva, who's a non technical, fast bored person who likes to surf the net in search of information.

Come to Incama and let your site be judged. Let's see if what you meant, really comes alive in your website!

You can also mail her at

This is no adv. just a wake up call!!