YAXS: XOOPS Mexico is available now!

Posted by: cmaganaOn 2003/11/13 6:44:09 5599 reads
Today finally we have launched the XOOPS Mexican Support website, this website tries to be the place of encounter of the community of XOOPS users in Mexico and all hispanic world. We are in the domain http://www.xoopsmx.com where you can enter and find all type of help with the other users.

We invited you to participate in this community, enters and register now in http://www.xoopsmx.com share your knowledge or solves your doubts about XOOPS.

If you are a developer of modules, here you are going to find one of the best places to publish your modules, themes, translations or hacks, preferredly in spanish or with translation.

Xoops Mexico team will launch several new modules for XOOPS at the moment developing, in addition some hacks and themes, also you will find the greater amount of translations for modules, blocks and XOOPS Core Translation to spanish.
We hoped that you join to this community where we will receive you with the open arms.

XOOPS Mexican Support http://www.xoopsmx.com
Soporte en Español para México