Modules: TinyContent v1.4 with new Features!

Posted by: chapiOn 2003/11/11 19:18:18 10636 reads
TinyContent is now available in version 1.4. You can get it in the download area of this site. This version of tinycontent utilizes Xoops 2.0.5 functions and so it doesn't work with older Xoops versions!!

New Features:
- Deactivation of Linebreak Conversion possible, so there is no longer white space in front of included html-code
- every content can be showed as a submenu item
- you can choose between xoops internal editor and a wysiwyg editor. with the wysiwyg editor you can also include images into your content, which you have uploaded with the image manager

Other Features:
- Comments can be activated/deactivated for single contents
- every content can be set visible for the tinycontent block
- upload, delete and wrap html-pages possible

In this version, the database is different to older versions. If somebody writes an update script, I will be very happy