Modules: piCal-0.50 released

Posted by: GIJOEOn 2003/11/5 18:26:31 9591 reads
piCal is an independent calendar class of php.
Also this is a powerful calendar module for xoops2.

Althogh piCal is the most major module in Japan,
it worked under Japanese only.
Now, you can use piCal in English or German.
Try it!


0.50 from 0.42

- First internationalized version
- Private mode added (myself or group)
- Permissioning of post,modify,delete by each group
- You can select the day of week starting from 2 (Monday & Sunday)
- Anniversary event flag
- Correct some HTML tags
- Many bugs fixed

0.50 from 0.42

- First internationalized version
- Private mode added (myself or group)
- Permissioning of post,modify,delete by each group
- You can select the day of week starting from 2 (Monday & Sunday)
- Anniversary event flag
- Correct some HTML tags
- Many bugs fixed