News: RC2 Release!

Posted by: onokazuOn 2002/2/7 11:17:49 4760 reads
The long waiting is over, and we are finally releasing RC2.

This version fixes some security problems that existed in RC1. Also, numerous bugs that have been reported are fixed, and we've added some new features that i'm sure you've already found on this site. For more detail, please see CHANGES.txt included in the package.

We think RC2 is far more stable and secure than RC1, therefore we recommend you all upgrade to RC2 if you are using RC1 on your site. When upgrading, please backup your database first using phpMyAdimn or mysqldump utility through telnet.

In the next release, whether it will be RC3 or final version, we will be working more on modules that we were unable to do in RC2, for example, integrating groups permission system with more specific levels in each module, newsletter module, new sections module, etc.

Download RC2 from here!