Hacks: The cloning of a module

Posted by: JMorrisOn 2004/9/16 14:19:53 10284 reads

8) Notification

* in xoops_version modify the noun of the function look_up:
$$modversion['notification']['lookup_func ' ] = ' news02_notify_iteminfo ';

9) templates

* in xoops_version modify the noun of the function look_up:
$$modversion['notification']['lookup_func ' ] = ' news02_notify_iteminfo ';
* Nonessential, but preferable, also change the names of the files in xoops_version, without forgetting to re-elect correctly those in the repertory templates
$$modversion['templates'][1]['file ' ] = "news02_archive.html";

10) the logo

* It is not useless to modify the logo to be found there more easily in the administration of the modules.
Once modified, think of re-electing it and of changing the name indicated in xoops_version.
$$modversion['image ' ] = "images/news02_slogo.png";