Posted by: skalpaOn 2006/11/17 23:20:00 39706 reads

XOOPS 2.0.16 changelog
[size=x-small]- Fixed bug #1538291 : Mailer Return-Path header is not set correctly (skalpa/alienhand)
- Fixed bug #1548771 : Criteria doesn't handle IS NULL correctly (skalpa/garrath)
- Fixed bug #1589652 : XoopsTopic::getNiceTopicPathFromId not working (skalpa/dugris)
- Fixed bug #1559119 : Activation key appended to the login form URL (skalpa/bandit-x)
- Fixed bug #1551559 : PHP 5.0.x fatal error in userinfo.php (skalpa/rowd)
- Fixed bug #1570396 : Checkbox doesnt work in the user notifications page (skalpa/bandit-x)
- Fixed bug #1565746 : Installer does not accept mysql passwords with $ in them (skalpa/Ann O. Neemous)
- Fixed bug #1546415 : XoopsForm::getElements broken with insertBreak() (skalpa/dugris)
- Fixed bug #1549803 : XoopsObject errors are not translated (skalpa)
- Fixed bug #1529039 : Add auth.php english language file. Forgotten in the 2.0.14 (pemen)
- Fixed bug #1525206 : ldap provisioning problems - timezone_offset (pemen)
- Fixed bug #1554972 : Auth provisionning maintain (option) after user creation (pemen)
- Fixed bug #1591544: XOOPS session is not destroyed properly when custom session is enabled (phppp/xuser)
- Fixed a bug that causes reset of block options over module update (phppp)
+ Added fields mapping between Xoops User Database and Auth Server atttribute. The user
can choose wich field to synchronize. (pemen)[/size]