Modules: multiMenu 1.7 - when multiMenu goes sitemap

Posted by: solo71On 2005/3/31 7:26:37 14785 reads
The wolFactory and Arma sa is proud to announce the release of multiMenu 1.7.

This new version of the very usefull navigation module includes new enhancement and functionalities.

1) No more url limitations with the dynamic sublinks. 2) A new index page allowing to display menus content, and which could be used as a customisable sitemap. 3) 8 customisables menus. 4) Totally revised blocks, links and navigation administration. 5) Possibility to manage an horizontal menu bar into a theme with multiMenu. 6) Possibility to use two new tags {module} an {theme} to manage current module and theme image customisation. Included: a complet guide to learn everything about multiMenu ! Note that this new version is not compatible with previous version due to database entry (pid). A conversion script will be released as soon as possible (hopefully !). Happy multiMenu-xoopsing!