XOOPS: Letter to the XOOPS community

Posted by: phpppOn 2007/6/7 11:20:00 31230 reads
Dear XOOPSers,

On behalf of the XOOPS Project Team, I would like to inform the community of several major changes.

As of immediate affect, Skalpa has resigned from the Lead Developer position.

Project teams are now being established and we are looking forward to your participation.

Skalpa has resigned from the Lead Developer position

Skalpa had been leading the Project for years with great success, however he has been recently suffering from critical health problems, which unfortunately made it impossible for him to continuously focus his attention on XOOPS development.
After careful thorough consideration, he has decided to withdraw from the XOOPS Core Development Team, which will be an extreme loss to the Project.

We wish all the best to Skalpa and look forward to his return whenever he fully recovers.

Roadmap for development is being adjusted

According to the development of community usage requirements, the development roadmap will be adjusted carefully.
In a short time period the bugfixes upon current 2.0/2.2 series are going to be continued till our next major version release.
Meanwhile the next major version is going to be developed and released with short-term milestones, to meet our goals.

Development and management teams are being established

In the very near future, a couple of teams, including but not limited to, will be built:
Core Development - For XOOPS core development, hosted on sourceforge.net
Module Development - For third-party modules and addons, hosted on dev.xoops.org
Design - For XOOPS official default theme and official websites design
Documentation and Promotion - For XOOPS documentation site as well as technical tutorials and articles with addition of a promotion campaign
Community Coordination - daily community administrative jobs

Every team is now open to XOOPSers, and we are looking forward to seeing team leaders nominated in the immediate future.

New XOOPS official websites are about to open

Currently a couple of websites are being worked on and they will be managed in a proper manor. An official report will be published soon, with further details such as,
Site name, purposes, people who are working on it, current status, estimation time until it's made available.

What's next

1 Call for team members
Anyone who would like to join the teams or if you have any candidates to recommend, please contact us with:
* subject: [XoopsTeam] your XOOPS username, team name, desired role (member or leader)
* content: your experiences with XOOPS or open-source projects, your proposal for the team, along with examples of your previous work.
The team leaders will be chosen very soon, they will then bring their teams into affect.

2 Build the XOOPS Project Management Committee
Committee members will be selected from the above team leaders and report to the community with periodical performance evaluation and election.

3 Continue on the official websites construction
The community will be informed with formal progress reports and ETA.

Before the team leaders are chosen, please send all contacts to phppp@users.sourceforge.net or post to XOOPS Project Teams Forum (temporary).

XOOPS is powered by us.

D.J. (a.k.a. phppp)
the XOOPS Project Team