i have added some code full bootsrap4 in my theme.tpl file in my theme.
All is ok
But now, i want to move this code from theme.tpl to customize blocks.
All is the same except smarty variables.
in my theme.tpl :
<img class="mb-1" src="<{$xoops_imageurl}>images/logo-xoops.png" alt="<{$xoops_sitename}>" width="200px">
but if i put this code in customize block, the block cant interpret smarty variable.
May be it's a noob question...
Is it possible to use "assign" function in customize blocks like in theme.tpl ?
For example, in theme.tpl, i use
<{xoMemberInfo assign=member_info}>
<{xoInboxCount assign="unread_count" total='inbox_total'}>
Sure, i can put Hard link in my block but i hate that,
i can put absolut link too (/themes/mytheme/images/) but it's bad too.
I want used a smarty variable to extract the path theme..
How ?
Thank you in advance !